Environmental Compilation #2
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Digital Download Files.
There are downloadable files associated with this product...
- 144 Tons of Gold.mp3
- 18 Cows.mp3
- 30 seconds to Midnight.mp3
- 5 Tons an acre.mp3
- Endocrine Disruptor.mp3
- Every 10 Minutes.mp3
- Gaza.mp3
- Jacksonville.mp3
- Resource Wars.mp3
- Six Cents a Pound.mp3
- Snow in Alaska.mp3
- Something You Ate.mp3
- TPP Free Zone Alliance.mp3
- Usable Nukes.mp3
- Where Greenland Used To Be.mp3
- zEnvironmental Compilation 2.pdf
Appears in:
Environmental Compilation #2
1 144 Tons of Gold
An account of the US invasion of Libya; a response to a gold-backed dinar and an African Bank with no-interest loans for people-centered development
2 18 Cows
In 1988, the Palestine town of Beit Sahour bought 18 cows from Kibbutz Hillel so that they could start a dairy collective to provide fresh milk; and this was against the law.
3 30 Seconds to Midnight
Time left on the Doomsday Clock - Wylie Robbins Thorne-Thomsen on mandolin
4 5 Tons an acre
The lost nutrition in factory farming
5 Endocrine Disruptor
An account of the carcinogenic danger of GMOs with a primary ingredient, glyphosate
6 Every Ten Minutes
An account of the genocide in Yemen
7 Gaza
An account of the Israeli invasion of Gaza in 2014
8 Jacksonville
This song describes Pat Costner's investigation of the Dioxin incineration at the Vertac plant in Jacksonville, AR. One-quarter of the Agent Orange used in Vietnam was produced at this plant. Linda Kelly-Armour – vocal; Bruce Colegrove – bass; Barbara Peemoeller Marczak – vocal; Jay DuCharme - production
9 Six Cents a Pound
The US paid $500 million for war planes for Afghanistan that didn't function properly so they destroyed them and sold the scrap metal for six cents a pound.
10 Resource Wars
A response to the U.S. overthrow of Bolivian President Evo Morales to get Bolivia’s lithium and indium; ditto Venezuela’s oil and gold - Wylie Robbins Thorne-Thomsen on mandolin
11 Snow in Alaska
The Iditarod could not do the first leg of its dog sled race because they had no snow in Anchorage. So, they had to bring it in by train.
12 Something You Ate
An account of GMO food that was being pushed by Obama and Congress in spite of the research showing genetic manipulation to be unsafe. GMO food and glyphosate are increasingly being banned around the world.
13 TPP Free Zone Alliance
My long time friend, Nancy Price, who I met in the Alliance for Democracy sent me an email that said, "I need you to write a song." Obama's TPP will be an end to national, state, and local sovereignty over the environment, pollution, health, food safety, labor. For more information on this agreement, go to https://www.eff.org/issues/tpp .
14 Usable Nukes
The US love affair with nuclear weapons and rationale for their use
15 Where Greenland Used To Be
In 2006, while touring in the UK, Tom heard the concerns of many in Scotland, Eire, and England that the Gulf Stream would shift because of global warming with the effect of creating a colder climate in the UK. The Gulf Stream shifted a few years later.