

“Tom’s music is at the core of our movement. The man is a genius.”Dr. Jan Kirsch, 350 East Bay

“Tom Neilson and Lynn Waldron are two talented and gifted musicians in perfect harmony. They gave us a wonderful, entertaining, and fun filled evening at our house party. Tom cleverly crafts songs about current and past events with the admission that “the truth writes its own lyrics”. We stayed entertained for two hours with lots of networking and conversations afterwards. I highly recommend Tom and Lynn for a night of song and fun.”Walter Tsou, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Philadelphia PSR

“Inspiring, biting, educational, erudite, really enjoyed the satire...” Sidney Kahn, MD, Ph.D., President, Pharmacovigilance; RiskManagement, Inc.

“Tom Neilson and Lynn Waldron gave a moving concert to an engaged audience in Binghamton, not far from where Tom grew up. He and the audience delighted in some back and forth on farming, climate, history and culture. But he also took us to desperate corners of the world, where he challenged us to see beyond our borders and our comfort zones. His fine music and insightful lyrics helped tie it all together, with some laughs and tears we were enriched by a worldly-wise and thoughtful maestro.” Scott Lauffer, Susquehanna Group Sierra Club

"consummate and gifted performer with a human & compassionate touch...one of the savviest songwriters I know."Derrick Jordan, Vermont Citizens Awareness Network

“Tom Neilson and Lynn Waldronperformed to a standing ovation. His songwriting is excellent! He delivers a serious message with humor and thoughtfulness. I recommend his performance to other CCL groups having fundraisers. About $10,000 was donated at this event making it a great success.” Shelley Buonaiuto, AR CCL

“Tom Neilson is an amazing storyteller and musician, who reminds us of the heartstrings in our activism.”Louise Stonington, Seattle CCL

“Tom wrote ‘Biomess’, our anthem to stop the biomass plant in Greenfield. We couldn’t have done it without him. He was door to door with his organizing and brought us together with his music.” Lisa Turowsky CCFC

“Tom raised several hundreds of dollars for us with his two concerts. The song he wrote about Dairyland Power became our anthem. He is funny and smart.”Mark Taylor, Viroqua WI

“Tom's song about the medical waste incinerator in Matthews brought tears to everyone. He combines well-researched, truthful songs with a playful wit and satire.”Alan Burns, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

“The beauty of Tom's music is that it is so inclusive as it speaks to everyone's concern for the environment and their community's well-being. Everyone in the audience either was a cancer survivor or had lost friends and family to the Paducah plant. He tempers this reality with a wit and cleverness that combines truth with humor. After the show, people talked with him about their stories for a couple hours. I will always host a house concert for him whenever he is in Kentucky.“Jeanie Embry, Paducah

“Tom Neilson was our featured performer at our Climate Mobilization event in Oakland. He is clever, witty, and writes with an intellectual sophistication and understanding of climate disruption. He presents this serious subject matter in a thoughtful way, often with a delightful humor. He is a superb educator and entertainer and I strongly recommend him.”East Bay Climate Mobilization


"Tom is a very good spokesperson for environmental concerns and an exceptional songwriter with heart and content." Norm MacDonald, Live Oak, FL