If you haven’t heard his slant on social justice and current events you are missing a treat!”April Myers, Amarillo UU
"The man is funny. He is thoughtful. He is provocative. He is refreshingly entertaining and very easy to work with. You will be lucky to have him." Mary Francis, WWUU, Norman, OK
“Tom is the most ‘woke’ person you’ll ever meet. It was the best service I’ve ever heard.” Virginia, Wichita UU
“Tom and Lynn absolutely delighted, educated, and inspired our congregation with their music and comments. Their Sermon in Song titled “Singing Truth to Power” kept everybody’s attention, fit within our time limits, and was just what we needed to hear spiritually, politically, and socially. Both are accomplished singers and composers that know how to deliver a message. We welcome them back any time!” Richard McLeod, UU Columbia, SC
“2x I have heard "the best service I have ever experienced."Dave Bartlett PFUU
“I am repeatedly impressed by his intellect, knowledge, wit and ability to communicate. Everyone should hear the scope and power of Tom’s music.” Darlene Obejda, PFUU
“Tom has a marvelous wit, is endlessly creative, and is the storyteller’s storyteller.”Layne Longfellow, Granite Peaks UU, Prescott, AZ
“Tom gave us a candid, authentic and awakening presentationas he fractured the boundaries of conventional thinking.” Mariner Cardon, PrescottUU Fellowship
“Our Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate event was extra special this year! It was combined with a concert by the extraordinary singer-songwriter, Tom Neilson What a treat! His music ranges from hysterical to poignant to politically provocative. And he came back Sunday morning to do the sermon for our morning service! Thanks, Tom!!”SLUU Odessa
“What a gifted songwriter and lyricist he is; so precise, so clever, so enjoyable, andheartbreakinglymemorable.Losing Louisiana, 18 Cows, Barnhart...spreading the alarm about the absurdities of human environmental actions and their far-reaching, harrowing consequences.” Joyce Harrison, Chair of the Spartanburg Earth Day Festival
“Tom gave us a candid, authentic and awakening presentationat PUUF.I noted congregation members nodding affirmatively (and enthusiastically), chuckling, giggling, and even one or two looking startled.I believe he introduced novel concepts (or at least novel viewpoints) that most were not accustomed to hearing in a worship service setting.And, I believe his messages resonated with the current events that seem to have our society all agog over non-traditional issues.”PUUF, Prescott
“Tom’s Easter service and concertprovided a great kickoff for Park Forest's Earth Week. He provided the right combination of personal experience, activism, peace, environmentalism and humor with music with a message!A 78 year old Episcopalian friend said that this was the best service he had ever experienced--and I must agree. There were a number of new people attending Sunday who were particularly impressed with his sermon and said they would return.” Park Forest UU
“We have had Tom Neilson, a traveling troubadour, at the Tupelo UU for three Sunday services. His ministering in music and stories are enlightening, uplifting and entertaining.”Bob Perkins, Tupelo UU
“The Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship again hosted Tom Neilson this year, with a concert on Saturday and two services on Sunday. The concert, just as last year, provided us with thoughtful songs written by Tom, and best of all HUMOROUS songs that had us doubled over with laughter. In addition, we received an inspiring message, along with song, in our Sunday services. Amarillo Unitarian and Tom Neilson have developed a great friendship ...and you should too. Check his calendar to see if he will be near you in the next year.”Amarillo UU
"A great, witty evening with an incredibly talented musicianand satirist! A rare and delightful combination for all." Sue Craig,Eugene Unitarians
“Tom and Lynn’s performance helped us to exceed our fundraising goal. He speaks to our hearts what we know is true and dear and gives voice to that which needs attention. Although some songs deal with serious matters, we also laughed and just felt good from others. We look forward to having them again.”CasRifkin, Little Rock UU
“Tom Neilson is a wonderful social activist, folk guitarist and singer. His Sunday service, was extremely well received by our congregation and we'll have him back. His style is relaxed, his lyrics compelling, and his music very cool. We recommend him to you without reservation.”Lola Sorensen, Program Chair, UUFSA
“With passion, humor, and grace, Tom Neilson puts his fierce intellect, tender heart, and substantial talents into speaking truth about the pressing social issues that affect humanity.”Roberta Roberson, UU Fellowship Athens, OH
“A terrific political satirist and singerTom Neilson filled us with excitementas he sang songs about our world and environment. Topics ranged from women's rights to ballads of lost love with his hilarious, witty, yet poignant work!No worthy cause goes unnoticed by Tom. I learned about incidences in our country that haven't been covered by the media, some historical some modern. Most of all Tom is engaging and informative and makes you want to sing along with him.”Linda Hunt, Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verdugo Hills
“Tom has performed for our fellowship two consecutive years, concert the evening before and service the next day. He interweaves current affairs and educational songs into penetrating questions about social justice and environmental sanity. He blends these into overall themes of caring, for ourselves, for the planet, and for others. He is an innovative, creative performer and artist. Although the best part of the service is found in his original works, he has made our music during the offering, custom-written, so to speak, an uplifting (and contribution-encouraging) part of the service.
Tom raises consciousness that transcends the ‘evening news’ mentality. Even among progressive congregations, he gives you more to think about than you thought you had to think about. If, like us, you allow time for feedback and discussion after the message, you are guaranteed a good opportunity for reflection following the inspiration.”David Norlin, Salina, KS
“What a gifted songwriter and lyricist he is; so precise, so clever, so enjoyable, and heartbreakingly memorable.” Joyce Harrison, Spartanburg UU
“We were so fortunate to have Tom sharing his wisdom and experience with our community.” Billie KnightonUU Wichita
“Tom’s performances do what great singer-songwriters do... challenging his audience to examine contemporary and universal conventional wisdom.He wouldn't be doing his job if he did otherwise!He engages the listener with stories stemming from personal experience and then spins each topic into spell binding, and sometimes hilarious, song.His music is especially poignant for those of us in the Unitarian Universalist tradition.”Eric Berg, Amarillo UU
“Very inspirational;kick-ass funny;pussy hat music;uplifting;Tonight was an education.”Granite Peaks UU
“I had the great good fortune to hear Tom Neilson and Lynn Waldron perform at the West Wind UU in Norman, OK. They have fantastic music. I highly recommend that youtake advantage with a church concert and/or service, or a house concert. Tom has won many folk music awards, and his songs are insightful, current, piercing, and hilarious. It is all a story of life here in the US and in the world. As a Unitarian Universalist, this music entertains me, and ultimately touched my heart. I want more, and for you folks to hear it!”Melody Ball, Member, First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City
“A great performance; Tom is the perfectsoundtrack for someone who is trying to be mindful. The little things he tells the audience are as important as his excellent songs.”Ken Wood, Charleston UU
Neilson is an amazing artist. I remember when he came to the Church of The Restoration Unitarian Universalist by way of Peace House~Tulsa and he walked in the room wearing his tshirt "Another Pacifist under Surveillance," and I knew right away he was our kind of people…Proceeds helped us replace our roof, which has patches on top of patches. Thank You Tom!" Joni LeViness CRUU Tulsa
Tom and Lynn gave a warm and witty musical program for Bay County UU Fellowship on Mothers’ Day that was wide-ranging in its sentiments and surely touched each listener.
Candis Harbison, Sunday Service Committee, UU Fellowship of Bay County, Panama City, FL
What an amazing service. It was a pleasure to work with Tom and Lynn. I admire their lives' journeys and dedication to helping make the world a better place. We need more people with their awareness. Diana Lieber, Shenandoa Valley UU
"Tom is a very savvy musical, political cartoonist." SVUU, Stephens City
"What a show! His talent, his insight, and his sense of humor!" Karen C., Norman, OK
"I’m in awe of his intellect. Joni LeViness." Tulsa Peace House, OK
“Our church was thrilled with him; his wonderful music, poetry and voice!” Kate Briere, Chattanooga UU