As many churches/societies have social justice committees, I am frequently asked to do the Sunday Service/Meeting. Most Fellowships like a Sermon/Talk/Presentation of 20-30 minutes. Some like a 10 minute Q & A afterwards. Usually, I am asked to provide songs in place of hymns, but some churches like to keep their hymns as part of the service. I have Readings, an offertory song (satire) and a children’s song if requested. Some Fellowships like a musical service that can range from 20-45 minutes. This can mean omitting or shortening some of the ritual elements.
Sometimes congregations have a requested theme as for Martin Luther King Day, Valentine's Day, Earth Day, etc..... Sometimes, I am asked to talk about my life, primarily the intersection of music, social justice and my international work. I have a talk about Community rooted in Dr. King's Samaritan speech. The environment is a common thread, especially juxtaposed with the military. "Forks In The Road," is a favorite. It is largely autobiographical about making life determinant decisions. I have been asked to talk about love and other themes.
The contract with the musicians’ union prohibits recording of the music to archive or circulate without AFM permission. This is especially important with cover songs. To record or post another's work on the internet is a copyright violation. Please speak with me about special circumstances such as streaming for homebound congregants. Union policy has changed to add 20% to the fee for a Live Stream.
Fees for Sunday services have run between $200-$400. Also, as stated in the Booking Info, it is requested that the venue contribute a 5.4% pension fee for the performer. If the venue wants to be listed with the union as a Fair Trade venue, their pension fee contribution would be 10%.
All of the booking info and sound requirements are at: